Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
Samuel Ginn College of Engineering 1301 Shelby Center
Auburn, Alabama 36849, USA
Email: ghanbari[at]auburn[dot]edu
Phone: +1 (334) 84[four]-63[two]6
Research Interests
My research interests span the intersection of programming languages, software engineering, and data science. I use programming languages and data science tools and techniques to solve software engineering problems related to software testing, verification, and repair.
Education & Training History
On December 2021, I received my Ph.D. in Software Engineering from The University of Texas at Dallas, where I was working under the supervision of Prof. Andrian (Andi) Marcus. Previously, I received my Master's and Bachelor's degrees from Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) both in Software Engineering.
From 2022 to 2023, I worked as a CIFellows Postdoctoral Research Associate at Iowa State University, under the mentorship of Prof. Hridesh Rajan.
L. Lyons, A. Ghanbari: "On Accelerating Deep Neural Network Mutation Analysis by Neuron and Mutant Clustering", Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2025), Naples, Italy, March 2025, 12 pages to appear. [DOI]
A. Ghanbari: "Decomposition of Deep Neural Networks into Modules via Mutation Analysis", Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2024), Vienna, Austria, September 2024, pp. 1669-–1681. [DOI]
A. Ghanbari, D-G. Thomas, M. A. Arshad, and H. Rajan: "Mutation-based Fault Localization of Deep Neural Networks", Proceedings of the 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2023), Kirchberg, Luxembourg, September 2023, pp. 1301--1313. [DOI] Distinguished Paper Award
A. Ghanbari, A. Marcus: "Shibboleth: Hybrid Patch Correctness Assessment in Automated Program Repair", Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2022), Rochester, MI, USA, October 2022, pp. 1--4. [DOI]
A. Ghanbari, A. Marcus: "Faster Mutation Analysis with MeMu", Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2022), Virtual Event, July 2022, pp. 781--784. [DOI]
A. Ghanbari, A. Marcus: "Patch Correctness Assessment in Automated Program Repair Based on the Impact of Patches on Production and Test Code", Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2022), Virtual Event, July 2022, pp. 654--665. [DOI]
A. Ghanbari: "Revisiting Object Similarity-based Patch Ranking in Automated Program Repair: An Extensive Study", IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Automated Program Repair (APR 2022), Virtual Event, May 2022, pp. 16--23. [DOI]
A. Ghanbari, A. Marcus: "Toward Speeding up Mutation Analysis by Memoizing Expensive Methods", Proceedings of the 43rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results (ICSE-NIER 2022), Virtual Event, May 2021, pp. 71--75. [DOI]
A. Ghanbari, A. Marcus: "PRF: A Framework for Building Automatic Program Repair Prototypes for JVM-Based Languages", Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2020), Virtual Event, November 2020, pp. 1570--1573. [DOI]
A. Ghanbari: "ObjSim: Lightweight Automatic Patch Prioritization via Object Similarity", Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2020), Virtual Event, July 2020, pp. 541--544. [DOI]
Y, Lou, A. Ghanbari, X. Li, L. Zhang, Z. Haotian, D. Hao, and L. Zhang: "Can Automated Program Repair Refine Fault Localization? A Unified Debugging Approach", Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2020), Virtual Event, July 2020, pp. 75--87. [DOI]
A. Ghanbari, L. Zhang: "PraPR: Practical Program Repair via Bytecode Mutation", Proceedings of the 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2019), San Diego, CA, USA, November 2020, pp. 1118--1121. [DOI]
A. Ghanbari: "Toward Practical Automatic Program Repair", Proceedings of the 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering: Student Reseatch Competition (ASE-SRC 2019), San Diego, CA, USA, November 2020, pp. 1118--1121. [DOI]
A. Ghanbari, S. Benton, and L. Zhang: "Practical Program Repair via Bytecode Mutation", Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2019), Beijing, China, July 2019, pp. 19--30. [DOI]
S. Benton, A. Ghanbari, and L. Zhang: "Defexts: A Curated Dataset of Reproducible Real-world Bugs for Modern JVM Languages", Proceedings of the 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2019), Montreal, QC, Canada, May 2019, pp. 47--50. [DOI]
Auburn University
Lauren Lyons, Master's Student
Jared Wang, DREU Intern from Texas A&M University, Research Title: "Mutation-Based Patch Correctness Assessment for Automated Program Repair"
Thomas Reynolds, DREU Intern from Auburn University, Research Title: "Decomposition of Deep Neural Networks"
Iowa State University
Pratyush Badri, co-advised with Hridesh Rajan, Undergraduate Thesis: "Decomposition of Deep Learning Models," BITS Pilani and Iowa State University
Unergraduate Level
Spring 2024, 2025: COMP3700-001 Software Modeling and Design
Fall 2024: COMP3700-001 Software Modeling and Design